
data class Stats(val startTime: Date, val endTime: Date, val minimumAltitudeInMetres: Double, val maximumAltitudeInMetres: Double, val minimumSpeedInMilesPerHour: Double, val maximumSpeedInMilesPerHour: Double, val distanceInMetres: Double, val timeSkiedInMilliSeconds: Long, val activeHours: Double, val trackDurationInMilliSeconds: Long, val trackCount: Int, val verticalFeetCumulative: Double, val daysCount: Int?, val daysStats: Map<String, Stats>?) : Parcelable


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constructor(startTime: Date, endTime: Date, minimumAltitudeInMetres: Double, maximumAltitudeInMetres: Double, minimumSpeedInMilesPerHour: Double, maximumSpeedInMilesPerHour: Double, distanceInMetres: Double, timeSkiedInMilliSeconds: Long, activeHours: Double, trackDurationInMilliSeconds: Long, trackCount: Int, verticalFeetCumulative: Double, daysCount: Int?, daysStats: Map<String, Stats>?)


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time spent being active at the venue

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number of days included in .daysStats

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a set of stats, organized by day, keyed by date

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total distance tracked

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The instant of the end time of the last track

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the highest altitude recorded

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the fastest speed recorded while making a track

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the lowest altitude recorded

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the slowest speed recorded while making a track

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The instant of the start time of the first track

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total time tracked; e.g. time spent skiing downhill

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number of tracks recorded

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total vertical feet tracked