
data class AppTrackingInfo(val userName: String? = null, val groupIDs: List<String>? = emptyList(), val difficultyPreference: String? = null, val selectedResort: String? = null, val permissions: String? = null)

Data class representing the payload for tracking.


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constructor(userName: String? = null, groupIDs: List<String>? = emptyList(), difficultyPreference: String? = null, selectedResort: String? = null, permissions: String? = null)


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The difficulty preference associated with the tracking.

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The list of group IDs associated with the tracking. Default is an empty list.

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val permissions: String? = null

The permissions associated with the tracking.

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val selectedResort: String? = null

The selected resort associated with the tracking.

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val userName: String? = null

The username associated with the breadcrumb.