
class Map(venue: Venue) : Loadable

The Map class represents a 2D map associated with a specific venue.

To instantiate and load a Map, you need to provide all the required data associated with the venue.


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constructor(venue: Venue)


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fun close()

Closes the mobile map package associated with the map.

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fun getArcGisLocationProvider(): LocationDataSource?

Retrieves the ArcGIS location provider associated with the map.

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suspend fun getFeatures(): List<Feature>

Retrieves the features of the map synchronously.

fun getFeatures(result: CompletionCallback<List<Feature>>)

Retrieves the features of the map asynchronously and provides a completion callback.

suspend fun <T> getFeatures(classType: Class<T>): List<Feature>

Retrieves the features of the map synchronously based on a class type.

suspend fun getFeatures(keyword: String): List<Feature>

Retrieves the features of the map synchronously based on a keyword.

fun <T> getFeatures(classType: Class<T>, result: CompletionCallback<List<Feature>>)

Retrieves the features of the map asynchronously based on a class type and provides a completion callback.

fun getFeatures(keyword: String, result: CompletionCallback<List<Feature>>)

Retrieves the features of the map asynchronously based on a keyword and provides a completion callback.

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suspend fun getLastKnownLocation(): Coordinates?

Retrieves the last known location synchronously.

fun getLastKnownLocation(completionCallback: CompletionCallback<Coordinates>)

Retrieves the last known location asynchronously and provides a completion callback.

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fun getRoutes(origin: Feature, destination: Feature, skiLevel: Level, callback: CompletionCallback<List<Route>>)

Retrieves the routes between two features with a specified ski level and provides a completion callback.

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suspend fun load(context: Context, offlineLoad: Boolean = false, license: String? = null): Map

Downloads the 2D map file asynchronously.

fun load(context: Context, offlineLoad: Boolean = false, license: String? = null, completionCallback: CompletionCallback<Map>)

Downloads the 2D map file asynchronously and provides a completion callback.

fun load(context: Context, offlineLoad: Boolean = false, license: String? = null, onComplete: (Map) -> Unit, onProgress: (Int, Int, Int) -> Unit, onError: (Throwable) -> Unit)

Downloads the 2D map file asynchronously and provides callbacks for different events.


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The file path of the map.